Monday, 29 July 2013

Scores arrested in child prostitution crackdown

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105 rescued in sex trafficking ring bust

  • NEW: The FBI says the three-day undercover operation is its biggest to date
  • NEW: An FBI official says child prostitution "can happen anywhere"
  • The FBI operation rescues 105 children across the country
  • The ages of the children involved range from 13 to 17
  what it called its largest crackdown to date on child prostitution, the FBI announced Monday that a nationwide operation over the weekend resulted in 150 arrests, with 105 children rescued.
Authorities said the operation, which took investigators to race tracks and truck stops, also targeted the use of social media sites for child prostitution activity.
Overall, the three-day undercover roundup Operation Cross Country took place in 76 cities and involved 230 law enforcement units, according to the FBI.
"Child prostitution remains a persistent threat to children across America," said Ron Hosko, assistant director of the FBI's Criminal Investigative Division. "This operation serves as a reminder that these abhorrent crimes can happen anywhere and that the FBI remains committed to stopping this cycle of victimization and holding the criminals who profit from this exploitation accountable."
He noted that a prime environment for prostitution activity, including child prostitution, is major sporting events.
The ages children rescued ranged from 13 to 17, Hosko said.
Part of the FBI's Innocence Lost National Initiative, the operation was the seventh and largest sweep to date, according to Hosko.
It included 28 searches with 129 seizures of cash, drugs, vehicles and firearms, he said, and those arrested face a variety of charges, including pimping

Pope Francis on gays: `Who am I to judge

ABOARD THE PAPAL AIRPLANE (CNN) –Pope Francis said Monday that he will not "judge" gays and lesbians - including gay priests - signaling a shift from his predecessor and offering another sign that the new pope is committed to changing the church's approach to historically marginalized groups.
“If someone is gay and he searches for the Lord and has good will, who am I to judge?” Francis said in a wide-ranging news conference aboard the papal plane.
Though he was answering a question about the so-called "gay lobby" at the Vatican, the pope seemed to signal a change in tone, if not in teaching, in the church's stance towards gays and lesbians more generally.

The pope was flying back to Rome from Brazil, where he spent the past week celebrating World Youth Day, an international Catholic event that drew millions.
Taking questions from reporters aboard the plane, the pope addressed nearly every hot-button issue facing the Roman Catholic Church: its alleged "gay lobby," Vatican bank corruption, the role of women, abortion, homosexuality and his own personal security.
But it was the pope's remarks on homosexuality - the fact that the head of a 1 billion-member church said that it's not his place to judge gays - that caused the widest stir.
"Pope Francis's brief comment on gays reveals great mercy," said the Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit priest and editor at America, a Catholic magazine based in New York.
Martin noted that Francis also showed "greater compassion for divorced and remarried Catholics, a group that has long felt marginalized in the church, and called for a `deeper theology' on the role of women in the church."

"Today Pope Francis has, once again, lived out the Gospel message of compassion for everyone," Martin said.
The pontiff spoke on the record for an hour and a half in the back of the plane that was carrying him back to Italy after his first international trip as pope to Brazil, where he was greeted by massive, frenzied crowds at every turn.
"I'm happy. It has been a beautiful trip, spiritually speaking; it has been good to me. I'm tired enough but with a heart full of joy," he said.
On Sunday, the mayor's office in Rio de Janeiro said more than 3 million people came to Copacabana Beach for a morning Mass with Francis, who was in Brazil for the weeklong World Youth Day celebration.
Security issues plagued the trip because of Francis' immense popularity as the first Latin America pope. His arriving motorcade was mobbed after a wrong turn, prompting the Brazilian military to raise the trip's security level to "high risk" and send in reinforcements to protect the pontiff, who insisted on being close to the people.
"There is always the danger that there is the crazy person, and we never know what he or she will do," Francis said. "But to create a safety barrier between the bishop and its people is insane. And I'm outside this security. I prefer the risks of the madness outside, to be close to the people."

On the 'gay lobby' and homosexuality
The pope addressed the issue of an alleged "gay lobby" within the church. Hints that the Holy See contained a network of gay clergy surfaced last year in reports about a series of embarrassing leaks to Italian journalists.
The "Vatileaks" scandal factored in Benedict's shocking decision to resign this year, according to some church experts, as it impressed upon the 86-year-old pontiff that the modern papacy requires a vigorous and watchful presence.
"There's a lot of talk about the gay lobby, but I've never seen it on the Vatican ID card!" Francis said.
"When I meet a gay person, I have to distinguish between their being gay and being part of a lobby. If they accept the Lord and have goodwill, who am I to judge them? They shouldn't be marginalized. The tendency (to homosexuality) is not the problem ... they're our brothers."
The problem, he said was, lobbies that work against the interest of the church.
In 2005, during the papacy of Pope Benedict XVI, the Vatican issued directives barring from the priesthood men "who are actively homosexual, have deep-seated homosexual tendencies, or support the so-called 'gay culture.'"
Francis' brief remarks seem to signal a sharp shift from that policy.

On women
The pope also spoke out about the role of women in the church, saying it needs to be deeper and not end. But he brushed aside the possibility of ordaining women as priests, saying the church had spoken on the matter: "The church says no. That door is closed." He did say that more work needed to be done theologically on the role of women in the church.

On abortion
Pope watchers have noted that Francis said little to nothing about abortion on his trip to Brazil. Abortion is illegal in Brazil, except for cases in which the health of the mother is at risk. Laws were recently changed to allow abortions in cases in which the child would be born with certain life-threatening birth defects.
The pope said he had nothing to say on the trip about abortion because the church teachings against it were clear and this trip was the time for "positive" news.

On divorce
"I believe this is a time of mercy, a change of epoch," the pope said when asked about divorce. He said the group of eight cardinals tasked with reform will explore the issue of whether divorcees can receive Communion, which they are currently barred from doing.

On the Vatican Bank
The pope conceded he was unsure what to do with the Vatican Bank, which is known by its acronym IOR.
"Some say that it would be better if it were a bank, others say that it should be a foundation. Other say to shut it down. These are the suggestions going around. I don't know. I trust the commission's members that are working on the IOR. But I wouldn't be able to tell you how this story is going to end."
And as for what was in the black leather bag he carried onto the plane? A razor, a prayer book, a diary and a book about St. Theresa, but, the pope joked, "Certainly not the keys to the atomic bomb!"
He said he carried his own bags because "It's normal, we have to be normal. We have to be accustomed to being normal."

Sunday, 28 July 2013

the greatest secrte making a woman fall inlove for you

Would you like to know how to make a lady begin to look all starry eyed at you? I know there is huge amounts of qualified information out there in regards to how to make a lady go gaga for you however what I'm going to uncover to you today is valid, quick what's more will help you get closer to your objective of discovering the lady of your dreams.

Step by step instructions to Make a Woman Fall in Love with You.
 To make a lady experience passionate feelings for you to begin with, you should know these 3 paramount things about ladies:

Ladies have frightful character judgment.

You might be the most terrific man on the planet, what is a lady is not primed for love or basically is most certainly not intrigued by you, she will reject your developments.
 Frequently ladies pursue material things, for example autos, attire and adornments just to reveal that
 really pull in the inverse of what they are looking for in a lady.
 Cherish with You To be very legitimate, material things don't legitimately matter to a lady who has your best investment on a fundamental level. Material things just matter to a lady who is attempting to utilize you.

Ladies don't realize what they positively need in a man.
Ladies frequently say we need a man who is solid, mindful, rich, great audience, exceptional significant other, great father, and sentimental and so forth. Regardless of the fact that we get a man who has all the qualities that we yearning we will in any case be unsatisfied. Frequently ladies
 unintentionally attack an extraordinary relationship or
 camaraderie in light of the fact that we accept a man with all the qualities that we need are so exceptional it would be impossible be accurate or we understand that man is excessively useful for who we are at the minute.

Ladies become hopelessly enamored quite effectively.
Getting a lady to go gaga for you is
 amazingly simple. Ladies begin to look all starry eyed at so effectively 9/10 we are as of now enamored with you some time recently you even attempt to get us to do so.
 The greater part of ladies start to arrange sometime later with you (rather exceptional or terrible) in their brains when  the principal date. We ponder about things like closeness, marriage and existence with you by and large which is the reason you might feel like certain ladies  are moving far excessively quick initially. Provided that we truly like you, we'll have everything mapped out  route before you do.

Get open to being uncomfortable with ladies. Ladies have similarly of a hard time figuring ourselves as men. All ladies are freaky and convoluted. Delight will come from your capability to discover a lady who's imperfections  are worth managing who imagines that your  blemishes are worth dealing with.

how to finger a lady hard.

 When you are about to  finger girl, is very most likely she has by now dripping drenched(wet) . If  she has
 not by and then it isn't time for  the romantic moment however. Be sure you obtain her almost all horny with foreplay.
Rub her vagina lip area gently and also her clitoris(specially this clit). This can be the little lump presents itself this vagina plus it seems some sort of little smoother and also softer than the rest of the tissue around.

Therapeutic massage this lip area up and down or even in circles. I'd
 tell look at the two to discover which techniques creates the best results (all females are generally different).

 Then when u have smeered her natural lub allnaround around you'll be able to start going into, try to start slow with 1 finger and finally try stimulate the clitoris faster with increased fingers.
Be very careful of to never do the item with lots of fingers or performing it too fastbbecause this will likely make her uncomfortable plus it may perhaps hurt her.
After your current little finger (or fingers) are generally inside the vagina you can attempt lots of various things:

1. Move In-N-Out. Like i mentioned before , almost all females are very different.
 2. Therapeutic massage in circles. Try out illustrating some sort of eliptical inside the vagina.
 3. Get the G-Spot. this g-spot can get the girls get ridiculous after you stimulate the item the

appropriate way. The g-spot is in a similar common region inside the vagina.
 Photo credit: Jeannie Fontaine / Foter / CC BY-NC-SA

how to find the g spot of your lady to give her best sactisfaction, during sex

Gspot or Grafenberg spot is a long-disregarded, as of later ediscovered bit of female sexual supplies placed in the upper front vaginal divider, close where the urethra meets the bladder.
Stimulation of the spot has been appeared cause climax in numerous ladies, and these climaxes are frequently depicted as "deeper" or "more exceptional" than the old run-of-the plant assortment.
You can find it by sticking your finger inside of her and then making an upward hook and the top of her vagina (like if you were trying to touch at her belly buttom from inside the vagina ).

 A woman's vagina is not a very big place, but it can be difficult to find the g-spot for begginners.
Try exploring the upper part of the
 vagina with ur fingers and u'll eventually find it (You'll know when you do, believe me)
 Once you've done a couple of these steps (or all of them), you probably got your girl super horny and ready for action.
Can start having intercourse, start doing oral sex on her (which you can combine with the steps mentioned above) or you can even start fingering other areas (by other areas i mean the anus).

flirting tips(how to flirt)

1. Choose Your Targets
You don't have to have a crush on someone in order to flirt. Practice flirting with random people you see every day - people who might not even be on your dating radar - on order to hone your skills. That way, you'll have some flirting experience under your belt when you approach the people who really matter.
2. Have an Opening Line

Find a reason to talk to the person.
 If you're in a class with them, come up with a question about an assignment. If they're standing in line behind you at a concert, ask about the band.
 Get creative, and be ready to respond to whatever they say.

3. Make Eye Contact
If you don't make eye contact, you'll look bored or uninterested, and that's not an impression you want to give. Too shy to look them right in the eyes? Here's a trick: look at the spot right between their eyes. It'll look like eye contact to them.

4. Come Up With a Compliment
Pick one thing you like about the way they look - like their hair, their smile or an article of clothing. Let them know in a friendly way how much you like it. It'll make them feel good and will open them up to you. (If you can't think of an opening line for tip #2, a compliment will do.)

5. Smile
You don't have to go all Bozo the Clown, but the idea is to look like you enjoy talking to them. So be sure to throw them a smile whenever it makes sense. If they shoot one back, you'll know that they like talking to you,

6. Flirt With Your Body
The body language you use when you flirt is just as important as what you say. Use good posture, point your body towards the person and try to find excuses to touch them.
7. Keep It Light
You'll get a way better response if you chat about fun, happy stuff (like your new puppy) than serious or sad stuff (like when your puppy got hit by a train). The point of flirting isn't to bare your soul or share your honest opinions about everything. It's to open the door to lots more conversations down the road.

8. Beware of Awkward Silences
Once the convo drags, it's probably gone for good. Fill an awkward silence by asking the other person a question. Can't think of one?
 Ask them about something they're wearing or something in your environment (like a painting on the wall, or the music that's playing).

9. Wrap It Up
If you're not interested in talking anymore, politely find an excuse to head off into the sunset. If you are interested, give them a way to get in touch with you - like your phone number or Facebook name. This is (hopefully) just your first convo of many, so save some of that charm for the next time.
10. Practice
No one's perfect at flirting the first time around. If the idea of flirting still gives you butterflies, don't worry - it just means that you need more practice. The more you flirt, the eeasier it'll get.

reasons people get divorced

There are a great deal of explanations why individuals get separated. In the hypothetical sense, anybody can get separated in the event that they need .
 The amount of couples getting separated is going on a steep upward bend with almost 50% of all relational unions winding up in separation. The assessed rate
 of relational unions that end up in separation is almost 49%.
 There are a few nations like Sweden and the Czech Republic where separation rates are almost 60%! With such high separation rates reported around the globe, there are numerous explanations why couples get separated and, in a few cases, there are a synthesis of explanations.
 Here are a percentage of the more regular explanations why couples wind up in a real predicament:

1. Elevated requirements :
Many couples enter into marriage with elevated requirements and at the time they don't happen it accelerates crashes then after that separation. Separations frequently happen in light of the fact that individuals seldom talk about their desires in part before marriage and are less eager to finish up their relational unions thereafter and might like snappy results instead of needing to resolve issues. Accept it or not People have even gotten separated for explanations like wheezing than treating and settling the

2. Infidelity:
One of the major explanations of Separation is the betrayal of the Partner.
 Indeed, several years later after the passing of Princess Diana, the World has not disregarded her sorrowful confirmation that Ruler Charles issue with Camilla wrecked her marriage. There are numerous such men and ladies who wreck their own relational unions.

3. Similarity:
Marriage is not simply about physical similarity; the couple might as well have mental similarity moreover to have a fruitful marriage. The point when the couple is not in tune with every others sentiments at that point there is a higher risk that they may wind up separating.

4. Level Tolerance and Rigidity :
Many couples show an exceptionally flat level of tolerance in marriage and stay inflexible in their standpoint. The point when both accomplices need to get things their own particular way and not bargain that may prompt a separation.
 Numerous neglect the criticalness of bargain and adaptability for the fruitful working of a marriage.

5. Endowment and Harassment: Especially in
India Dowry is one of the fundamental explanations for Divorce. It is rightly said that "Money is the foundation of all evil'. Some men bother their wives to get more cash from her parental home and when her folks can't stay aware of his requests the relationship closes in a Divorce. There are likewise men who wed for the goods not the wife. As additional goods could be achieved by wedding more than once there are some men who basically get separated to prepare for a different chump.

6. Absence of Commitment:
For numerous couples the marriage pledges are only a function furthermore don't accompany or keep the responsibility made through the promises to the accomplice. They have a tendency to disregard that it takes responsibility to nurture any relationship than searching for brisk settle results and surrendering too effectively.

7. Absence of Physical Attraction:
As years go by its truly common for the couples to lose engage in upholding their excellence
 what's more health. Such a scenario can get the accomplice to stray consequently bringing about
separation. Further there are men who wed monstrous or physically impeded young ladies just for the strong endowment they could carry without giving much essentialness to their presence. When the cash is gone their disappointment can cause physical and verbal ill-use bringing about the marriage separating.

8. Family Pressures:
 There are numerous situations where folks have constrained or coerced their girl or child to enter into a marriage against their wishes. There are likewise situations where the folks have constrained their girl or child to break the marriage guaranteeing a better life or debilitating to mischief the accomplice. Impedance of Parents or in-laws too some an opportunity winds up in separation.

9. Absence of correspondence: Lack of correspondence between couples could be a major purpose behind split. A marriage is on the rocks when the lines of correspondence fizzle. Numerous want their accomplices to surmise what they need for sure their issue is without imparting.
On account of this once in a while even little misconceptions wind up in separation.

10. Family Background :
People who come from separated homes are less averse to get separated than individuals who hail from euphorically wedded families. Huge numbers of such youngsters don't have conviction or confidence in the foundation of marriage and does nothing to rescue the marriage. Separation appears less like a major ordeal assuming that you have seen your folks experience it.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

congrate!!! asuu strike may end by thursday next week

The latest and Update on the ongoing ASUU Strike is that the strike may end soon- next Thursday to be precise.
Here is the details as reported by worldnews
The meeting between the Federal Government and the striking Academic Staff Union of Universities, ASUU, may have yielded results, as there are now indications the on-going strike might be called off next Thursday.
Governor of Benue State, Mr Gabriel Suswam who dropped this hint Friday said ASUU and the Federal Government had reached agreements on all the contentious issues that led to the industrial action except two.
Suswam who was appointed as Chairman of the Needs Assessment Implementation Committee of the Federal Government said after next Thursday’s deliberations between his Committee and the various agencies of government funding tertiary education, all the contentious issues would likely be resolved
Suswam told journalists in Abuja after attending a meeting between the Federal Government’s delegation and ASUU that agreements had been reached by both parties on all issues save two.
“We reached agreements on all issues except two. These two issues are those of earned allowances of lecturers and intervention for the federal universities. These are the only issues that are still outstanding.”
The Benue Governor further said he believed that by next week after his Committee would have arrived at an agreement on all the issues, ASUU would call off the strike.
“The SGF would meet with the leadership of ASUU on the issue of earned allowances by next Monday.
“Then my committee which is dealing with the issue of the needs assessment of the universities would meet again next Thursday and take another look at all the infrastructural deficits which the federal universities are facing.
“If you go to our universities, you would agree that they are facing infrastructural deficits and that is why my committee would meet with all the funding agencies next Thursday for the purpose of prioritizing all the projects that need to be executed. We are going to invite all the agencies that are involved in the funding of the universities including the Central Bank of Nigeria.”
Suswam said agreement has been reached on retirement age for university lecturers, which has now been increased from 65 to 70 years; the constitution of the governing councils of the universities which has already been done by the Government; the setting up of a pension administrator and the issue of persuading companies operating in the country to set up research centers in the universities.
“As far as I am concerned, if the issues concerning intervention and earned allowances are resolved next week, then the strike could be called off,” he said.
Present at the meeting were Secretary to the Government of the Federation Senator Anyim Pius Anyim, Minister of Labour, Hon. Emeka Wogu, Minister of Education, Prof. Ruqayatu Rufai and President of Academic Staff Union of Universities (ASUU), Dr Nasir Fagge, among others.

Sunday, 21 July 2013

obasanjo and goodluck makes secrete plane for 2015

President Goodluck Jonathan on Saturday met behind closed-doors with former President Olusegun Obasanjo in what appeared to be a fence-mending effort aimed at wooing the former president who is known for openly criticising the present administration’s handling of some national issues lately, including the Boko Haram insurgency.
Also, four governors from the Northern part of the country who apparently avoided President Jonathan met separately with Obasanjo behind closed-doors in his Hilltop Mansion.
The meeting between Obasanjo and Jonathan, which held at the former president’s residence in Owu, Abeokuta, came a few days after the Chairman of the Peoples Democratic Party’s Governors’ Forum, Governor Godswill Akpabio of Akwa Ibom State, met with the former President in Abuja to convince him to support Jonathan.
Akpabio is an ally of the two leaders.
Although the meeting is believed to be part of Jonathan’s consultations ahead of his declaration of interest in the 2015 presidential election, the President told journalists that he was in Abeokuta to commiserate with his spokesman, Dr. Reuben Abati, and his family on the death of their matriarch, Taiwo, and felt it would be disrespectful if he did not visit Obasanjo whose house is a stone’s throw from the Abatis’.
“It is true that we saw (former) president Obasanjo in his house because we came to Abeokuta to commiserate with Abati who buried his mother yesterday (Friday). Knowing that Abati’s house is at the backyard of Obasanjo’s house, it will not be good if we come and we did not visit him. Even the man (Obasanjo) himself will not be happy if we don’t visit him. I am like a son to Obasanjo,” Jonathan told reporters at Abati’s residence.
Jonathan’s meeting with Obasanjo lasted over an hour.
Dressed in a black flowing agbada and a cap to match, the President arrived Obasanjo’s residence around 12noon in company with Senator Grace Bent and met with the former president for about one hour 30 minutes before proceeding to the Asero Estate residence of his spokesman.
The gates to Obasanjo’s Hilltop mansion were shut against other visitors immediately Jonathan drove into the expansive compound while security was also beefed up outside and along the road leading to the former president’s home.
It was immediately after the meeting that Jonathan moved to Abati’s family house where he commiserated with his spokesman whose mother was buried in the Ogun State capital on Friday.
The President said he had planned to attend the burial service after he inaugurated a 200-unit Idimu Police Housing Estate in Lagos but was unable to do so because there was an urgent need for him to travel to Togo for a meeting with the President of Côte d’Ivoire, Allasane Quattara, in order to forestall an undisclosed looming political crisis.
Describing Abati as a member of his family, Jonathan advised the household to take solace in the fact that their mother lived to a ripe age beyond the biblical three scores and 10.
Abati, on his part, said the family was no longer expecting the President since he was fully represented at the service by his Chief of Staff, Chief Mike Ogiadomhe.
While expressing delight at the surprise visit, the presidential spokesman said his family would cherish the momentous occasion for a long time.
The four PDP northern governors who met with Obasanjo were Murtala Nyako (Adamawa), Sule Lamido (Jigawa); Aliu Wamako (Sokoto) and Rabiu Kwankwaso (Kano).
SUNDAY PUNCH learnt that the governors were earlier scheduled to meet with Obasanjo at about the same time as President Jonathan but decided to tarry a while at an undisclosed location in Abeokuta perhaps to avoid contact with the President.
The Northern governors later arrived at Obasanjo’s Hilltop Mansion around 1:28pm, few minutes after President Jonathan had left.
The North is believed to be courting the former president as part of the strategies to regain the nation’s presidency by 2015.
Speculations are already rife that Governor Lamido has been pencilled down as the North’s PDP Presidential flagbearer for the 2015 poll if the region should succeed in clinching the ticket.
When the Northern governors emerged about one hour later from their meeting with Obasanjo, Governor Nyako said he and his colleagues were in Abeokuta for “consultation” with the former president on “very important matters.”
“We have come to greet the most accomplished Nigerian ever and would remain so for a very long time and to consult him on very important matters,” Nyako said.

asuu may prolong strike, as they tretheen

Prof Ruqayyat Rufa'i, Nigeria's Education minister.Members of the Academic Staff Union of Universities, Benin zone, on Friday threatened that the ongoing strike embarked upon by the union could be prolonged if President Goodluck Jonathan repeated the mistakes of previous administrations.
Addressing journalists at the University of Benin main campus, Coordinator of the zone and member of the National Executive Council of ASUU, Dr. Sunny Ighalo, said the strike could be indefinite if government remained insensitive to lecturers’ plight and refused to honour the agreement it had with the union.
Giving an update on the three-week strike, Ighalo said this time around, the action would be total and comprehensive in all Nigerian universities.
Ighalo said members would not shift ground except government honoured the agreement it entered into with ASUU, adding that members would not yield to government’s threat of no-work-no-pay rule.
He said, “It is clear that the Jonathan government has not learnt anything from the mistakes of previous governments in Nigeria that are notoriously known for fragrant disregard for agreements, due process and rule of law.
“Government must be compelled to find a solution to the brain drain issue and infrastructure decay in the system. This is what this ongoing strike action is all about.
All these problems are a product of underfunding and deliberate neglect of our universities by the government. The 2009 FGN/ASUU agreement is meant to arrest these problems and restore our universities to the path of progress and reckoning.
“We are on strike for the same reasons of government insensitivity, unwillingness and inability to keep and implement the agreement it entered with ASUU.
“The major source of problem in Nigeria’s universities has been government’s gross underfunding of the universities and lack of basic infrastructure including research equipment for sound academic learning and relevant studies by students and lecturers.”
Ighalo said the strike was aimed at rescuing the country’s universities from further decline and urged stakeholders, including parents, to hold the Federal Government accountable for the “wasteful period the exercise would last.”

i love to look flirty yemisi taiwo

Yemisi TaiwoBackground
I am Yemisi Taiwo. I was formerly Yemisi Fajimolu. I hail from Osun State but everyone calls me Misi Molu. I was at the American International School, Lagos, attended the Atlantic Hall, and was at Bellerbys’ College, Hove Brighton, England and the University of Buckingham, where I read International Studies with French. I’m in my early 30s.
Growing up
It was exciting. I was born in Lagos. There were nine of us in all and there was never a dull moment. I love fun, I love to laugh, hang out with my friends. I’m very hardworking.
Life on television
My attraction to television has always been due to my personality—I’m a ‘people’ person. So, I thought of what better way to reach out to such a large part of the people I love and I realised that I can be a part of such a medium of communication that reaches out and touches so many lives and homes. Television is forever going to be a part of my life, whether in front of the screen or off the screen or behind it. Unfortunately, my father passed away and he never saw me on television. I know that initially, he would have been hesitant about it but after having seen me, he would have been very proud! He always knew I didn’t like the norm and was very supportive and proud of me. My mother is happy for me and loves what I do.

Life as On-Air Personality
I love radio! I started off at Beat FM but anchoring the first edition of Nigerian Idol took me away from radio. I will definitely go back to radio someday. It is something that I enjoy and still miss. After Nigerian Idol, I decided to take a step back from television and concentrate on revamping my public relations/events management company. That’s been a challenge, but rewarding at the same time. It’s been amazing fun planning gorgeous and fabulous parties. But I am back on Silver bird Television now where I anchor a new personality interviews, entitled ‘Guess who?’
Marital life
I got married a few months back but it has been absolutely wonderful. I love being married. It is the happiest moments I have experienced. My husband, Ladi, is a wonderful man. He is quiet but retrospective. He is my perfection as I am his. I met him at Ember Creek, Lagos, four years ago. I was with a friend and we went there to unwind after the debut Elite Model Nigeria show. As we sat down, a young dark and handsome man just walked up to me and we became friends. My mother-in-law, Mrs. Taiwo Taiwo, founder, the Aart of Life Foundation, is an incredible being! I was almost put off marriage before I met my husband due to the horrors of mothers-in-law I had heard. But I definitely drew the lucky straw because she is much fun to hang out with. We chat like girlfriends and she is like a lovely second mother to me. I have a lot of admiration for her.
I am not a fashion victim and I wear what I believe will look fabulous on me. I don’t go with the fad because not everything in vogue suits everyone. I always find a way to incorporate what is best for me. I love pretty dresses and sexy shoes! I love the pastels and the pale hues—they make me feel so feminine and flirty! Really, that’s what every woman should be.
Beauty routine
My glowing skin is hereditary, I took after my mother. I don’t practise any special routine. I just apply moisturisers and sunscreen in the morning and I wash off my make-up before going to bed. When I am not on set or hosting any event, I steer clear of make-up. I don’t take my skin for granted.
I tend to indulge a lot. That is one of my weaknesses but I detox when I am uncomfortable.

shorking: a man swallowed a live snake in lagos. (with picture)

 as news reaching us today,A Nigerian man, Adeniran Ogunsanya Surulere said to be ‘an aboki’ (Hausa man) was pictured performing ‘wonders’.
He was seen swallowing a rattle snake, one of the most dangerous snakes.
All rattlesnakes possess a set of fangs with which they inject large quantities of hemotoxic venom.
The venom travels through the bloodstream, destroying tissue and causing swelling, internal bleeding, and intense pain.
They can also cause paralysis. All the same, the man swallowed the live snake and then vomited it alive.
Neither the snake nor the man was harmed.
He had requested for a tip before embarking on the incredible show on the streets of Lagos.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

she sex with a cat

An Oklahoma City woman is accused of threatening her neighbor with a knife before announcing she had s*x with her cat. Kristina Michelle Brown, 23, allegedly brandished a pocket knife at her neighbor, 72-year-old Elmer Morrison, Monday afternoon and asked if he wanted to die, according to a police report obtained by The Smoking Gun.

Morrison called the cops, and when a responding officer asked Morrison why she was threatening her neighbor, she allegedly replied, “Because of what he did to me… I had s*x with my cat and everyone knows.” She allegedly added that Morrison didn’t know she had s*x with the cat, she was just “mad at him and wants him to die.” Brown was arrested and charged with assault and battery with a deadly weapon. It’s unclear if Brown actually engaged in intercourse with her cat.

In 2011, though, an Iowa man was charged with animal abuse after police say he got high on meth and attempted to have s*x with a feline before throwing the animal out the window. The cat died as a result. Sometimes even the idea of bestiality is enough to spark violence. Last month, a Wisconsin man was accused of getting into a violent altercation at a bar after insisting it was a constitutional right to have s*x with a goat.

student from eboyi, uni, found dead

Lifeless body of female student of Ebonyi State University, Abakaliki, Miss Miracle Eze was found unclád in her hostel room at the Ishieke campus of the institution.

The deceased, who was in her second year in the Department of Mass Communication, hailed from Nsukka in Enugu State. She was said to have died mysteriously in her room.

Her hostel mates found her lifeless body in her room at Henriv Hostel the next day when one of them noticed that she had not come out of her room later in the day.

On inquiry after knocking on her door and there was no response, she found out that it was locked from inside. According to the source, the situation attracted the attention of other students, and the police who later forced the door open and found her lifeless body on her bed.

One of the hostel mates, who did not want her name in print, told usthat the deceased was a close friend but was not aware that the deceased (Miracle) was sick, saying that they were together some hours earlier on the night she died.

However, she stated that the deceased had told her of one Mohammed who had insisted on dating her, adding that the deceased cried while telling her about the man’s love advances. She said: “Miracle cried when she met me in my room the same night she died and complained about one Mohammed, whom, she said, had been a threat to her life.

She told me that Mohammed’s love advances had been a threat to her and she could no longer bear to see Mohammed’s face in her room. “While I was with her, the same Mohammed came in and she left for her room.

The following morning as I was preparing for school, I knocked on her door but nobody responded. I thought maybe, she was praying and I left for my exam.” Other residents of the hostel told our correspondent that they sensed something was wrong when they noticed that the girl’s door was still locked from inside until in the evening when they raised the alarm and knocked hard on the door but to no avail.

The students stated that it was when they called her phone and it rang but was not picked, that they peeped through the window and saw her body on her bed, dead and unclád. The police at Ishieke later deposited her corpse in the mortuary while further investigation continues.

new outlook of ini edo

Nollywood star actress Ini Edo shared this photo of herself at the set of a new movie she is working on.

What do you think of the look?

police arested 17 armed robers and kill others in deadly shootout

A robbery suspect died yesterday in a shootout with the police at Nkporokpo in Anaocha Local Government Area of Anambra State.

The state Police Public Relations Officer, PPRO, Mr. Emeka Chukwuemeka, who disclosed this, said three other members of the gang received gunshot wounds during the encounter.

Chukwuemeka said the police had before yesterday arrested 17 armed robbery suspects and recovered guns and ammunition.

The recovered guns, according to him, include three AK47 rifles, two pump action guns, four locally-made pistols and some quantities of ammunition.

Addressing journalists yesterday at the Special Anti- Robbery Squad, SARS, headquarters at Awkuzu in Oyi Local Government Area, the PPRO said the suspects were arrested in various parts of the state.

Chukwuemeka said the suspects included a 16-yearold boy who specialised in bank robbery, using beautiful girls to trace those with big cash from different banks in the state.

He said some of the suspects also specialised in blocking major roads in the state, especially in Nawfia, Awgbu, Ufuma, among other areas.

The PPRO added that the suspects were responsible for armed robbery attacks on major roads of Abba, Dunukofia and other parts of the state.

He also said that some of the suspects were responsible for killings and raping of innocent citizens of Anambra State, especially girls in different locations.

Chukwuemeka displayed a teddy and a small television set being used to conceal pistols and ammunition by the suspects.

The PPRO said the SARS operatives had been on the trail of the suspects until recently when they were arrested, adding that they had beamed their search light on the girls been used to monitor the banks.

He said: “For anybody that sees this TV and the teddy, it is nothing, but for this gang, what they do is to rip open the teddy’s tummy, conceal pistol and ammunition in it and they will enter into a vehicle, you will not know they had a gun until they rob you.

“They invented this style to escape from the police and other security agencies but our men were able to beat them in their own game.”

However, one of the suspects said at the briefing that he was arrested by SARS operatives when he went to visit his friend.

He said: “I went to visit my friend; I did not know that he was being wanted by the police for armed robbery. As I was still there, SARS men broke into the house and arrested all of us, I don’t really know what I did.

Friday, 19 July 2013

car smashed of a chines woman head,

A Chinese woman miraculously survived a car crash which saw her head smash through the windscreen and become wedged in the hole.
PHOTOS: Woman Smashes Her Head Through the Car Windscreen... And Survives (18+)
The unnamed woman was a passenger in the car when it hit the back of a truck in southern China's Guanxi province. The force caused the woman, who wasn't wearing a seat belt at the time, to fly forward into the windscreen.
PHOTOS: Woman Smashes Her Head Through the Car Windscreen... And Survives (18+)
Her head broke the glass and she became wedged in the hole. When fire crews arrived on the scene, they had to remove the car's unconscious driver from the car before they could painstakingly begin freeing the woman.
PHOTOS: Woman Smashes Her Head Through the Car Windscreen... And Survives (18+)
Firefighters were then able to slowly enlarge the hole in the windscreen around her neck so that it was big enough for the injured woman's head to be safely freed. Bloodied and dazed, the woman was stretchered away by waiting paramedics and taken to a nearby hospital.
PHOTOS: Woman Smashes Her Head Through the Car Windscreen... And Survives (18+)
Miraculously, both the woman and her male companion are said to be making a full recovery in hospital.

Wednesday, 17 July 2013

truck kill two student at badagary express way( picture)

Tragedy struck, Tuesday, along Mile Two/Badagry expressway, after two students of the Adeniran Ogunsanya College of Education, ACOED, Ijanikin died in an auto accident, while observing the school’s annual rag day.
One of the deceased identified simply as Michael,was said to be a final year student of Physical and Health Education.
Report said the students were among others who stormed the streets to observe the rag day aimed at generating funds for the less privileged.
The unexpected happened after the two students said to have hung on a commercial bus lost grip as the driver attempted to dodge a pothole, at Cele bus-stop. They were reportedly run over by a moving vehicle which killed them on the spot.
The incident caused an uproar as some students of the institution took to the road protesting the death of their colleagues.
Reports said some vehicles were seized by the protesting students.
It, however, took efforts of policemen from Ijanikin division to prevent the students from causing more damage. The policemen and school authorities were said to have persuaded the students from taking to the streets.
Police sources told Vanguard, yesterday, that normalcy had returned to the ever busy road, with policemen parolling the area.
The bodies of the students have been deposited at the Badagry General Hospital mortuary
- See more at:

7 greate secrete, having your first date wit a girl or a man

so nailing a date isn’t exactly quantum physics…but sometimes it seems like it might as well be, considering the time and effort scientists (and most single people for that matter) spend pondering the topic. In the latest study, Stanford University researchers analyzed nearly 1000 four-minute speed-dating pair-ups to figure out what factors determined whether couples felt a spark—or had a “meh” attitude toward each other. They recorded the conversations, asked participants to fill out a questionnaire about what they thought of each date, and then poured through mounds of data. What they discovered will fascinate you.
Here’s what researchers noted about women based on the speed dates:
You’re usually pickier than he isOne finding you’ll love: The power is (mostly) in your hands. “Women are much more selective than men when it comes to dating,” says study author Dan McFarland, PhD, a sociologist at Stanford. Ladies indicated a willingness to go on a second date with much less frequency than guys did. So you can relax knowing it’s more about you deciding whether you want to see him again than the other way around.
You might want to act a little self-centeredOn that note, couples hit it off when women talked about themselves and men supported this by talking about the women. So don’t stress about whether you’re hijacking the convo too much. “Conversations went better if women used words like I and me a lot and men said you more often,” says McFarland.
When you mix up your tone, he thinks you’re into himSpeaking quickly and varying your pitch correlated with romantic interest. “It signals excitement,” says McFarland. A slow, monotone voice was associated with a sense of distance and awkwardness. Something to keep in mind, depending on the vibe you want to give off.
Questions are the kiss of deathThis one is pretty baffling: You’d think asking a guy about himself would show you’re interested and enthusiastic, right? Well, it turns out the more questions couples posed during a date, the less connected they felt. According to McFarland, a factual Q&A about where you’re from or what your hobbies are made people feel detached, like they were trying to fill the gaps and forcing it, instead of letting the chat flow naturally.
Choose your words carefullyFluffy fillers—sorta, kinda, probably, I guess—are turn-offs because they indicate a lack of passion. On the other hand, sprinkling in y’know and I mean when telling a story (linguists call these phrases “self-markers,” because they bring attention to yourself) draws your date into what you’re saying

and helps you both get more in tune.
And a few notes from researchers that you might want to keep in mind about him:
It’s a good sign if he interruptsSurprisingly, women were more into guys who jumped in mid-story—not to bring the conversation back to themselves, but to complete her sentence or agree with her. “It makes you feel like you have chemistry because you’re jointly telling the story together, you’re both engaged, ” says McFarland. It’s his way of trying to build a rapport, and it proves he’s genuinely listening to and interested in you.
You’ll click more with an empathetic guyWhen you’re telling him about yourself, pay attention to his reactions. The research showed that men who chimed in with supportive statements about something positive in a woman’s life (“That’s really cool,” “That’s awesome!” “Amazing!”), and sympathy about a tough situation (“Oh no,” “That’s weird,” “That sucks”) scored more love from the ladies. And rightfully so—empathy is one of the ways he shows he’d be up for another date.

pastor arrested, with 124 bags of indian hem in borno state by JTF

The Joint Task Force, Operation Restore Order, in Maiduguri, the Borno State capital has arrested a Pastor, Moses Edon, in possession of 124 bags of Indian hemp at the premises of a Celestial Church of Christ.Vanguard gathered that the church was abandoned last year, as its members fled due to the insecurity perpetrated by Boko Haram sect.A statement by the JTF spokesman, Lt-Col. Sagir Musa, said: “Based on information and intelligence, the Joint Task Force (JTF) Operation Restore Order at about 9.30am on July 10, 2013 raided the premises of a Celestial Church of Christ at House of Assembly Quarters, Pompomari area of Maiduguri metropolis.“The raid led to the discovery and seizure of 124 bags of weeds suspected to be Indian hemp packed in three rooms at the premises of the church.“The suspect who is a pastor of the church, one Moses Edon, admitted knowledge of the content of the bags and confessed that the Indian hemp was brought to his church from Ondo State for safe keeping by a member of the church, one Mr Segun Oni.” - See more at:

ACN member, heald good luck jonathan, for his attack by unkwon men

.The Action Congress of Nigeria (ACN) has asked Nigerians to hold President Goodluck Jonathan responsible if the country slides into anarchy as a result of the worsening crisis in Rivers state.
Reacting to the reported attack on the four Governors who visited Gov. Chibuike Amaechi of Rivers in Port Harcourt on Tuesday, the party said in a statement issued on Wednesday by its National Publicity Secretary, Alhaji Lai Mohammed, in Oro, Kwara State, that the attack that took place under President Jonathan’s watch is unprecedented in the country’s history.
”We will not accept the usual sophistry that President Jonathan is not in any way involved in the Rivers crisis. It is also not an excuse to argue that the President did not know that the visiting Governors will be

attacked, because as the country’s Chief Security Officer, he has his ears and eyes all over the country in the persons of security agents. Therefore, if the argument is that he did not know of the attack, then he is not on top of his game,” it said.
ACN wondered when it became a sin for any Nigerian, including elected officials, to visit any part of the country as the Governors did, saying there can be no justification other than organized political rascality for a group of paid hoodlums to invade a secure environment like the airport and pelt the convoy bearing the Governors with all sorts of objects.
The party wondered why the Police could not provide adequate security for the visiting state chief executives and restrained the hired scallywags from their audacious action.
”Would the police have allowed tramps to attack the Governors if they were visiting the President? Would the police in Rivers have allowed vagrants to act freely if those visiting Port Harcourt had come in solidarity with the five renegade members of the State House of Assembly? The unprofessional behaviour of the police in Rivers is the reason that Nigerians have accused the state police command of bias and called for the re-deployment of its ‘political’ Commissioner, Mbu Joseph Mbu.

”The visiting Governors were right to have visited their Rivers’ counterpart, in the face of the siege on him by renegades being teleguided from higher quarters. They are right to have expressed solidarity with Gov. Amaechi, the Chairman of the Nigerian Governors’ Forum. We salute the Governors as true patriots and the real sustainers of our Constitution, and we demand appropriate sanctions for those whose dereliction of duty put the Governors’ lives in danger,” it said.
ACN repeated its earlier warning against any contrived crisis in any part of the country as a way of pushing the country into a perpetual state of chaos, thus ensuring there will be no elections in 2015.
”The politics of 2015 cannot be removed from what is happening in Rivers. We have had cause to warn Nigerians to be vigilant against those who will foment trouble where there is none, just to put in abeyance the
 2015 elections, especially where the emerging signals point to the fact that they will be rejected by voters. Those who are afraid of free and fair elections in 2015 will do anything to prevent one. Therefore, we are repeating our call on all Nigerians to be vigilant, because eternal vigilance is the price of liberty,” the party said.

TY savage now mtn ambasador

Tiwa Savage joins the happy clique of Davido, Wizkid, Iyanya, Chidinma, Praiz, KCee and Mike as she signs a mouth watering deal with telecom giant MTN to become one their brand ambassadors.
Tiwa posted a picture of herself signing the contract on her Instangram page Wednesday, July 17 with words ‘I don port o. God you are so good to me mtn  onceuponatime powermoves blessed‘, written along with the photo
*Tiwa Savage
The pop singer is reported to earn about N30m from this deal.
The Kele kele love crooner is currently promoting her debut album ‘Once Upon a Time

six toys for couples, who rilly want to get the best out of sex

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four questions to ask your self before going into a relationship

For the study, researchers from 30 institutions across the U.S. looked at 3,907 straight college students between the ages of 18-24. Each participant was given a survey about their risky habits—including having casual sex—as well as various aspects of their mental health. What they found: Both men and women who’d had casual sex in the past week were more likely to report anxiety, depression, and negative wellbeing.

“I really want to emphasize that this was just correlational,” says study author Melina Bersamin, PhD, professor of child development at Sacramento State. “We don’t know what causes what—it could very well be that students who are depressed and anxious seek out those casual sex relationships; it’s not necessary.

ily that having casual sex causes anxiety and depression. … More research is really needed.”
Still, it doesn’t take a scientist to know that hooking up with a guy can be fun, carefree, and sexy, or that it can leave you feeling like crap—depending on the circumstances. So what can you do to ensure that your hookups bring you nothing but bliss? Kristen Mark, PhD, MPH, an assistant professor at the University of Kentucky, suggests asking yourself these questions to figure out how a potential roll in the hay might affect you emotionally—before you take your clothes off:
What do I really want out of this?

Men aren’t the only ones with needs—women crave physical pleasure, too. So if some spine tingling is really what you’re hankering for—and you’ve got a guy who’s willing and able to help—then by all means, go for it. But if you’re really looking for a longer, more intimate relationship—even if you tell him (and yourself!) that you’re not—you’re setting

yourself up for disappointment. “When expectations aren’t met, anxiety and depression may increase,” says Mark. “Assess your needs and wants, and communicate them with your casual sex parter. If this results in the casual sex not happening, that’s likely for the best.”
“Was I feeling anxious or depressed going into the night?”
When you’re down in the dumps, an orgasm may seem like a great way to lift your spirits—but it’s not. “That’s really just a Band-Aid that may make things worse in the end,” says Mark. Since negative wellbeing usually has more to do with your emotional needs than your physical ones—and casual sex won’t help you feel more emotionally connected to others—getting busy to boost your mood will probably backfire.

Am I getting weird vibes from this guy?”You definitely want to make sure the person you’re hooking up with seems respectful, says Mark. That way, when you ask him to put on a condom, or if you change your mind, you don’t have to worry that he’ll give you grief or make you feel bad about for your choices or requests.
“Is there any other reason I think I may regret this in the morning?”
This may seem like a no-brainer, but taking the time to do a gut check and really being honest with yourself is crucial. If you’ve tried having casual sex in the past, for example, and have never been able to enjoy it, then no-strings-attached flings may just not be for you—and that’s OK. And if you do hook up with a guy, only to wish you hadn’t later? “Don’t be so hard on yourself,” says Mark. “Take it as a learning experience, and move forward with new knowledge that you can apply to any future encounters you may have

sex longer, in time duration

A new survey suggests that when couples run together, the benefits extend all the way to the bedroom Want to have more sex with your guy? Just slip into something seductive…like your running shoes. Seriously: Couples that run together may have more sex, according to a recent survey conducted by Wakefield Research.
For the Brooks Run Happy Nation Report, 1000 runners across the country weighed in on how pounding the pavement affects peoples’ lives—and 66 percent of respondents said that couples that run together have more sex.

While it’s unclear whether the runners polled were talking about their own sex lives or guessing what goes on in other runners’ bedrooms, it makes sense that running together could boost both of your libidos, says Terri Orbuch, Ph.D., relationship expert and author of Finding Love Again: 6 Simple Steps to a New and Happy Relationship. After all, running releases adrenaline and endorphins, the same brain chemicals triggered by love and arousal. And when your partner is running alongside you as these feelings flow, something awesome happens: You associate the good vibes with your partner, which makes you want him or her even more—and vice-versa.

Better yet, the feel-good chemicals that flow post-run make you feel awesome about your body—and more willing to show it off between the sheets, says Orbuch.
That said, running isn’t the only thing you can do with your partner to amp up your arousal. Any strenuous exercise—think cycling, hiking, aerobics, kickboxing, intense weight lifting, and even salsa dancing—should stoke both of your libidos.

If your partner isn’t into fitness—and the prospect of more sex doesn’t change that—other activities like riding a roller coaster, seeing a scary movie, or trying an extreme but not-so-strenuous sport like paragliding together can produce similar effects, says Orbuch. The key is that all of these activities trigger the same intense adrenaline rush that makes runners want to take off their sneakers… along with everything else.Want to have more sex with your guy? Just slip into something seductive…like your running shoes. Seriously: Couples that run together may have more sex, according to a recent survey conducted by Wakefield Research.

For the Brooks Run Happy Nation Report, 1000 runners across the country weighed in on how pounding the pavement affects peoples’ lives—and 66 percent of respondents said that couples that run together have more sex.
While it’s unclear whether the runners polled were talking about their own sex lives or guessing what goes on in other runners’ bedrooms, it makes sense that running together could boost both of your libidos, says Terri Orbuch, Ph.D., relationship expert and author of Finding Love Again: 6 Simple Steps to a New and Happy Relationship. After all, running releases adrenaline and endorphins, the same brain chemicals triggered by love and arousal. And when your partner is running alongside you as these feelings flow, something awesome happens: You associate the good vibes with your partner, which makes you want him or her even more—and vice-versa.
Better yet, the feel-good chemicals that flow post-run make you feel awesome about your body—and more willing to show it off between the sheets, says Orbuch.
That said, running isn’t the only thing you can do with your partner to amp up your arousal. Any strenuous exercise—think cycling, hiking, aerobics, kickboxing, intense weight lifting, and even salsa dancing—should stoke both of your libidos.
If your partner isn’t into fitness—and the prospect of more sex doesn’t change that—other activities like riding a roller coaster, seeing a scary movie, or trying an extreme but not-so-strenuous sport like paragliding together can produce similar effects, says Orbuch. The key is that all of these activities trigger the same intense adrenaline rush that makes runners want to take off their sneakers… along with everything else.
Want to have more sex with your guy? Just slip into something seductive…like your running shoes. Seriously: Couples that run together may have more sex, according to a recent survey conducted by Wakefield Research.
For the Brooks Run Happy Nation Report, 1000 runners across the country weighed in on how pounding the pavement affects peoples’ lives—and 66 percent of respondents said that couples that run together have more sex.
While it’s unclear whether the runners polled were talking about their own sex lives or guessing what goes on in other runners’ bedrooms, it makes sense that running together could boost both of your libidos, says Terri Orbuch, Ph.D., relationship expert and author of Finding Love Again: 6 Simple Steps to a New and Happy Relationship. After all, running releases adrenaline and endorphins, the same brain chemicals triggered by love and arousal. And when your partner is running alongside you as these feelings flow, something awesome happens: You associate the good vibes with your partner, which makes you want him or her even more—and vice-versa.
Better yet, the feel-good chemicals that flow post-run make you feel awesome about your body—and more willing to show it off between the sheets, says Orbuch.
That said, running isn’t the only thing you can do with your partner to amp up your arousal. Any strenuous exercise—think cycling, hiking, aerobics, kickboxing, intense weight lifting, and even salsa dancing—should stoke both of your libidos.
If your partner isn’t into fitness—and the prospect of more sex doesn’t change that—other activities like riding a roller coaster, seeing a scary movie, or trying an extreme but not-so-strenuous sport like paragliding together can produce similar effects, says Orbuch. The key is that all of these activities trigger the same intense adrenaline rush that makes runners want to take off their sneakers… along with everything else.